Sunday, July 18, 2010


From the title you must have guessed, correctly, that I just watched Inception.

And you must have also guessed, albeit incorrectly, that I'm going to write a review of the latest Christopher Nolan directed flick starring Leonardo Di Caprio.
Rumour has it that Caprio turned down several Nolan films before finally agreeing to don the garb of mind-hacker Cobb.

I saw Shutter Island, and loved it. But I find a lot of critics drawing parallels where there aren't any. Yes, both protagonists have a troubled past, that affects their actions in the movie, but that is where the similarities end. Teddy Daniels is living in an alternate reality, while Cobb is aware of his past. Moreover, Inception is a structured narrative where one easily follows the plotline, albeit with a few bumps along the way. It does not trick the mind, or keep the audience thrilled with the sheer maniacal machinations of Shutter Island.

Inception raises the bar, its a class apart. The ingenuity of the idea, is almost esoteric, so fleeting - but it's execution is breathtaking. If you had narrated the script, I would have called the idea far-fetched, bordering on the absurd, and certainly too difficult to make the audience comprehend. Nolan does that - and keeps them gripped for over two and a half hours.

Inception does not make you guess, it makes you gasp. It might not have the mystery or intrigue of Shutter Island, but it has the panache and flair of a brilliant story and an even better portrayal of it.

Ellen Page as Ariadne is primand apt. Ken Watanabe and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are good, but a little wasted. Tom Hardy as Eam is particularly suave. Dilip Rao as Yusuf is good. But the lead pair of Caprio and Marion Cotillard are striking, with great versatility. Leo has the range, Cotillard the looks.

Watch it. Again.

1 comment:

  1. I have nothing to say but I wish there was a provision of a simple like button on this blogspot....
