Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nature's Rain

I am a proud Mumbaite. I do not say that it’s the best city in the world, simply that I see it that way. And I wear my heart on my sleeve. My favourite thing about Mumbai – the Rains. Oh the glorious, magnificent rain. There aren’t enough epithets in any language known to man to describe in vivid detail feeling of elation I get when I envisage myself in this epic shower of freshness.
Friends from Mumbai may concur, corroborate, others may laugh – I don’t really care. You have to be there, feel it, experience it first hand – you have to live it. Well, at the least certainly learn to live with it!
It invigorates all the senses. Don’t believe me? Read on.
The aroma of the first rains on the parched earth, the mud suddenly smelling like a musty perfume –can anything so banal ever smell so good. Suddenly transformed into something so beautiful.
The soft pitter patter of the raindrops on the roof, the whooshing of the monsoon wind as it billows gusts of wetness into your face, the moist damp air!
The feel of the soft globules of water on your cheeks as they slide down with a comforting caress; your hair drenched to the scalp, the slight chill that runs up your spine;
The vista – a lush, slightly haze paradise. The rains beating down on the beach, the postcard view through my kitchen window, the birds hiding under parapets, people rushing off the streets, nature’s beauty unveiled.
And Oh, Oh, Oh! The food. How about a hot cup of chai with some fresh, spicy deep-fried bhajiya’s- magnifique!
 Would you have ever believed that nature’s embrace could ever be so beautiful?

I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven

It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

     -Bryan Adams, Heaven

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear god.. i wish you were here right NOW.. as i type this... because if you would have, you would be in the middle of what you just described... :)

    Come back soon. Mumbai misses you :)
