Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Tale of Desire

Have you ever wondered,
That the things you see,
Are they actual things, indeed?

The lure of money, the whiff of fame,
Power's corruption are all to blame;
Crowns and Thrones, positions and titles,
Are all lost in defeated battles.

Comfort and luxury, softness' embrace,
They are all fleeting, a passing phase;
When the sun, the stars, the moon can shift,
Life's tumbling fortunes shall eternally exist.

Have you ever wondered,
That the things you see,
Are they actual things, indeed?

Why are people so fickle, I hear myself ask,
Forever ready in glory, to bask;
'The problem lies within', I hear a voice say,
'Hearken to me!', and heed I pay.

When the ego shall die asunder,
The jealousy burn and smoulder;
Ambition be replaced with good will,
And passion never be overkill.

Then shall we be at peace,
Bloodbaths and wars shall cease;
Humans will have dignity and love,
And we shall find our gift, a white dove.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mundane Musings of a Monotonous Mind

I won't lie about the title. But it reflects the somewhat sombre and melancholy mood that I'm in. I didn't have anything particular to write about, but various small tidbits that I wished to share. Apt title aside, my ramblings are winding and treacherous. I don't know where to start. How about my favourite topic, Arsenal.

Arsenal seem in bad shape, after a lucky draw at a resurgent Liverpool and a thumping win at lowly Blackpool, our frailties in defense are hard to ignore. We need atleast another superb centre-back, a new goalkeeper and adequate cover for Song. Then we can hope to challenge for one of four honours.

Another one of my teams is in dire straits - India. After a disastrous match, humiliating defeat and press debacle, I think somebody needs to teach Dhoni and Co. a few PR skills.

I've had an eventful summer. My internship was an enriching experience. Apart from learning a few technical skills, working in a big office, the work environment, the friendly staff and superb colleagues and managers all made my time at the Kern Organization a fun affair. I leave with a tinge of nostalgia.

Now summer has ended and lo and behold! We are 'seniors' now. Damn, I can hardly believe its been a year in LA. Time has got wings of its own, lifting us up and away into its fold, whisking us into the future.

And yes, shifting officially sucks. Period! I've shifted, packed, unpacked and cleaned to last me a lifetime. Its a pain, a hassle and something that ingenious scientists like ahem, myself, should find a solution to. Portable homes, anyone?

And now I sit looking outside my kitchen window at the empty street below. Soon this will fill with the footsteps of eager students out on the journey of their lives. They will step over the fallen leaves and the damp earth, and before you know it, time will work its magic and I'll be wishing you Merry Christmas.

But then I come to think of it, I realize that it wasn't a monotonous summer after all. I made new friends, moved into a nice new house, worked with some great colleagues, slept little but saw more. That's how grown-up summers are meant to be - hectic but fun, tiring but rewarding. And even though I have a tough Fall ahead, I shall always look back fondly at this summer, the summer of dreams, the summer of substance. The Summer of Liberty!

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
-- Robert Frost