Saturday, January 23, 2010

una introduzione

As I sit here listening to my favourite music(Bryan Adams, by the way), I really can't decide what to write about. You see I've written a few things here and there -  essays, columns, poems, short stories - but nary a blog. I guess this happens to a lot of people. There are, I think 2 types of bloggers - those that have a definite purpose in mind and know why they want to blog about, and those that just want to spew random experiences at the world. I guess I fall into the latter category. Or let's just say that I really don't know what I want to write about.Hmmm..... need to remedy that..... Soon

I thought I would be so crazy and excited about my first post, words would flow and never ebb. And now I sit here with this screen sneering at me - "I told you so" - it says. Damn, never knew this would be so tough.

Guess I'll go with the time honoured tradition of bragging about myself. For the uninitiated, the title of the post means 'An Introduction'.

I am a grad student at the University of Southern California, studying Computer Science - that about sums it up - Computer Science. I'm crazy about computers and all things geek. I confess that though my knowledge is far from all encompassing, I do know a little about the things I love - food, books and computers.

Since I was a child, I was fascinated with computers. I got my first one in the fifth grade, and being from India that's pretty soon in an average kid's life, during our times. Initially I was of the opinion that a pc was used for work or gaming - and boy was I wrong!

Fast forward to the ninth grade and I took up computer science as my elective. I loved the course, and did very well at it. That was when I found my one true love - programming. I was so fascinated with this thing called code, and the power that I could wield over the machine. I could (in theory) manipulate it to my will. That was the instant i realized that this was what I wanted to do with my life - program. I chose computer science as my high school elective subject where I was introduced to the hardware part of things.

I finally chose(and completed!) my Bachelor's in Computer Science. Here it truly dawned upon me how vast a field this had become in such a minuscule span of time. So thus I am doing my Master's of Science in the thing I love, respect and truly cherish.

Yours truly.